Tracheostomy is a routine airway procedure performed by surgeons and anesthesiologists. However, it is a life-saving procedure in cases of severe tracheal stenosis secondary to traumatic airway injuries, or prior tracheal surgeries. Tracheostomy is challenging in these situations even in experienced hands, especially in an emergency setting, and there can be a fatal loss of airway. Cook's pediatric airway exchange catheter can be successfully used in such cases to safely achieve an appropriatesized tracheostomy even in adults. Initial transtracheal airway access is achieved with a smaller (internal diameter 3.5–4.5 mm) uncuffed endotracheal tube (ETT) to relieve obstruction and improve oxygenation. Railroading of bigger tubes over a Cook's pediatric airway exchange catheter inserted into the smaller ETT is then sequentially done to achieve a desired size of tracheostomy without loss of airway or compromised oxygenation. We describe five cases of difficult tracheostomy with the use of this technique.
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